Now they care about natural order

Now they care about natural order

Audiences have waited months for the spectral return of Bobby Singer on Supernatural and after a long lead in, we finally got our wish on Friday’s episode. Bobby’s been with the Winchester since he died, but always invisible and behind the scenes as he figured out his ghost powers.

Bobby has helped the brothers along the way in subtle, but much needed ways, so their reaction to finally seeing him was a little disappointing. No heartfelt reunion or even a few jokes, they were incredibly judgmental to the man that gave up heaven in favor of sticking around to help them out.

Dean goes off on a rant about the natural order of things and how Bobby being a ghost wasn’t part of it. Excuse me, natural order of things? This from the man that sold his soul for the life of his brother. The man who died, got sent to hell, started Armageddon and was pulled out by an angel.

Dean hasn’t followed the natural order of things throughout the entire series and now he gets all high and mighty. His butt would have been skewered if Bobby hadn’t helped him with that sword. Sam would be dead and Castiel still lost had Bobby not helped Dean.

I can’t help but feel bad for Bobby. He gave up everything to stay in their life. All the players are in the game now as the series starts to wrap up the season. My guess is Cas, Bobby and maybe even Crowley will have a big role to play in the final battle against the Leviathans.