Welcome back Castiel

Welcome back Castiel

Season 8 appearances

As we inch closer to the Season 8 opener, more and more about the subject of the season is coming out. One of the major boo-yahs is the return of the old Castiel. We haven't seen much of Mischa Collins' character this past season, and what we did see wasn't too impressive. He was three layers of crazy and a pacifist who spent his free time observing the birds and butterflies.

It seemed in the last episode, we got a little of him back and the voice got lower and more gravelly as the episode went on. When it ended, they hinted that the old Castiel might be back and rumors for season 8 are confirming it. While he won't be in every episode, Cas is definitely in several and not as a crazy loony.

Life in Purgatory wasn't easy, and he was forced to bring his A-game back just to survive. Season 8 returns about a year later with Dean finally getting out of Purgatory and Sam in the middle of a serious romantic relationship. It's definitely a departure from earlier seasons because Sam hasn't had a serious relationship in years...at least one that wasn't demonic.

The primary angle for Castiel's character won't be about his powers or fighting the forces of evil, but his relationship with Dean. We know that Cas won't be the reason Dean makes it out of Purgatory, so we exactly did happen in there? I guess we'll just have to wait until October and find out.