April 2012

Bobby gets his ghost on

The fabulous nerd hottie Felicia Day visited Supernatural on Friday as a lesbian superhacker that works for Leviathan boss Dick Roman’s company. Roman wanted Day to hack into Frank’s hard drive and retrieve the information.

In the process, she finds out about Roman, the Leviathan’s and the Winchesters. We also find out that Roman is expecting a major package being shipped from Iran and it’s a big deal. Needless to say, the boys get it and Roman is severely peeved.

Big deal. What made this show awesome was watching ghost Bobby take on Roman at the very end. Bobby risks becoming a vengeful spirit, also known as batcrap crazy, if he goes all vengeful. He almost loses with when he first sees Roman. Luckily, he reins himself in, but when Roman almost catches Day on her way out, he goes on the offensive.

Now they care about natural order

Audiences have waited months for the spectral return of Bobby Singer on Supernatural and after a long lead in, we finally got our wish on Friday’s episode. Bobby’s been with the Winchester since he died, but always invisible and behind the scenes as he figured out his ghost powers.

Bobby has helped the brothers along the way in subtle, but much needed ways, so their reaction to finally seeing him was a little disappointing. No heartfelt reunion or even a few jokes, they were incredibly judgmental to the man that gave up heaven in favor of sticking around to help them out.

Have The Mighty fallen?

As I wait anxiously for the remainder of the season to begin, I can’t help but look back and wonder about the rest of the angels. When we last had a major angel story arc, many had taken Cas’ cue and came to Earth.

The rest were fighting a war in heaven that Castiel apparently won…and then they just disappeared. It's no secret that the angels were never really that interested in the affairs of men and really wanted to bring about the apocalypse, but now that their story arc has passed, the writers seem to have just forgotten about them.

They are like the big elephant in the room. The leviathans are taking over and no one in the supernatural world really seems to care. The Winchesters seem to be the only people actually doing anything about it and that happens about once every five episodes. What do the angels think about this?

The obligatory call about Cas now?

So, when old Frank seemingly kicked the bucket, I thought we were done with the whole call at the beginning of the episode maneuver. It’s a trite and amateurish move for seasoned writing professionals, so I was happy when we wouldn’t have to suffer through it anymore…then came the last episode.

Now, we have the obligatory call about Cas. Dean calls up the mental hospital to find out that Cas is still in a vegetative state and that doesn’t seem to be changing. Do we have to do this stupid call? I mean, we were without the man for a dozen episodes and we knew he was pretty much out of commission, so there is no need to keep bringing it up.

While we’re on the subject of a vegetable angel, is keeping him in a mental institution really the best place for him? I mean, doesn’t Crowley and everyone else know that Cas is there? They had a dozen demons outside that all got smote by angel fire.