I Miss Metallicar

I Miss Metallicar

One of the iconic images of Supernatural is the famous black Impala driving down the road as some classic rock song bellows in the background. That car has become synonymous with the show and this season we haven’t got to see it much.

Much of their traditional modus operandi was changed after the Leviathans made them public enemy number one. That car along with the rock star last names for their federal agents personas were replaced in order for them to keep a low profile.

Since then, they have been driving around in a junker and it’s really starting to annoy me. Dean lived for that car and he just gave it up. I know the creators are using this as plot devices along the lines of the Winchesters are completely on their own, but dudes, give us back the car. It’s getting closer to the end of the season and I have no idea what the creators hope to do about the Leviathan situation.

It seems to have become a non-issue, but they are going to have to address it sometime. When they do, I hope they have the sense to bring back the Metallicar. My guess is the brothers are going to have some epiphany that gives the confidence to once again become the people they once were. The guys that saved the world over and over again. The who the hell cares what they think brothers. When that happens, they are going to not give a crap about anything and take out the Metallicar as they go to face the bid bad together…again.